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Закат Техномагов: Взывая к Свету Кавелос Джин скачать

Автор книги: Джин Кавелос

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The explosive space epic continues, as the techno-mages come face-to-face with the devastating evil of the Shadows ...

War against the Shadows is inevitable, and the ruling Circle has ordered the techno-mages into hiding. Many are unhappy with this decision – none more so than Galen, the only mage who has faced the Shadows and lived. But the Shadows aren't Galen's only enemy – he is driven to hunt and kill Elizar, the traitor who murdered the beautiful mage Isabelle while Galen stood by helplessly, his hands tied by the Circle's sacred code he had sworn to follow.

Now a new mission awaits as the Circle contrives a plan that may enable the five hundred mages to escape without leaving a trace. Dispatched to the Shadow's ancient capitol to uncover the enemy's plans, Galen will find everything he so desperately seeks – including a shocking legacy that threatens to consume his very soul.

Babylon 5 created by J. Michael Straczynski

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